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Midland Railway Staff Records

From this page you can search the following documents which have been transcribed by members of the Midland Railway Society:-

Enter the SURNAME you are interested in:

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Tick this box if you want an "exact" search.

In other words, if left unticked, the results will include names that contain your search term within. For example, if you search for "Waite", the name "Braithwaite" will be included in your results unless you request an exact search.

How you can help the Midland Railway Study Centre

There is no charge for private researchers to use the Study Centre, whether visiting in person or making email enquiries. Our volunteers receive no reimbursement, not even for travelling, as they are happy to help. However, there are overheads in operating the Study Centre and we have a responsibility to properly conserve the material we hold and use. To that end, if you have received assistance from us and wish to show your appreciation, we have added this PayPal button for your convenience. Donations made in this way go to the Midland Railway Society are are “ring fenced” for use in the Study Centre. Thank you.

The Midland Railway Society is a Registered Charity - Number 1149613

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The Midland Railway Study Centre web site
is maintained by Dave Harris, the Study Centre Co-ordinator

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Page version 7.3 Wednesday, 6 March 2024
Dataset updated Saturday, 11 November 2023
Generated dynamically at: 15:21:13 12Feb2025 (UTC)