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The Midland Railway Study Centre Catalogue

(If you are searching for an Item Number use the search field below)

This search will look in the Description field of our catalogue for the term you enter. Shorter searches such as "Derby" or "horse box" are the most effective. The search is not Case Sensitive. For example, Searching for "derby" will return entries relating to Swinderby & Enderby as well as for Derby. Similarly, if you are searching for a word or name which may get "lost" in a longer word/name, try starting your search with a space.

You can optionally narrow your search by the Category of the item:

A description of what is contained within each Category can be seen on this page (which opens in a new tab).

You can also optionally narrow your search by the Organisation related to the item:

You can mix and match these three options. However you can't leave all three parameters at their defaults (i.e. No Search Term with All Categories and All Organisations). Nor can you set the Organisation to “Midland Railway” without either a search term or a Category. This is to avoid delivering over 45,000 results!

Tick this box if you want to see the advanced search options.

Finally, click this Search button
or Press the Enter key on your keyboard....

Alternatively: If you already know the Item Number you are interested in, enter it here:

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The Musuem of Making logo The Midland Railway Study Centre web site
is maintained by Dave Harris
the Study Centre Co-ordinator

The Museum of Making at Derby Silk Mill
Silk Mill Lane, Derby, DE1 3AF.
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Page version 13.8 Friday, 31 January 2025
Dataset updated Saturday, 28 December 2024 (Issue 99) - 70,359 records
Page generated dynamically at: 13:54:53 12Feb2025 (UTC)